12月12日,由江苏省金融业联合会、南京江北新区财政局、交通银行江苏省分行和南京江北新区科技投资集团联合主办的“谋划‘十四五’新发展,开创绿色金融新篇章 2020江苏省绿色金融年度峰会”在南京江北新区隆重举行。大会上,为十大绿色金融杰出机构、十大绿色金融创新案例、十大绿色金融优秀论文授牌证书。现将优秀论文进行逐一刊发,供大家学习参考。
吴佳慧 王露 瞿佳慧 张景
(江苏大学财经学院 江苏 镇江 212000)
变量名称 |
时空固定效应模型 |
时空固定效应修正模型 |
时空随机效应模型 |
W*dep.var |
0.661*** |
0.105*** |
0.675*** |
GC |
0.104*** |
0.105*** |
0.107*** |
lnp |
-0.300*** |
-0.300*** |
-0.308*** |
lny02 |
0.266*** |
0.264*** |
0.262*** |
lnpgdp |
-0.413*** |
-0.407*** |
-0.412*** |
target |
-0.008 |
-0.008 |
-0.007 |
fdi |
-0.093* |
-0.093 |
-0.089 |
W*GC |
-0.070 |
-0.075 |
-0.081 |
W*lnpeople |
0.205*** |
0.221*** |
0.218*** |
W*lny02 |
-0.024 |
-0.048 |
-0.049 |
W*lnpgdp |
-0.034 |
0.008 |
-0.008 |
W*target |
0.016 |
0.016 |
0.018 |
W*fdi |
0.096 |
0.101 |
0.106 |
teta |
0.830*** |
R^2 |
0.901 |
0.903 |
0.767 |
LogL |
5.2748 |
5.274 |
-16.270 |
Wald test spacial lag |
21.512*** |
24.977*** |
23.728*** |
Wald test spacial error |
26.418*** |
21.584*** |
23.254*** |
LR spacial lag |
19.624*** |
19.624*** |
21.770*** |
LR spacial error |
23.883*** |
23.883*** |
9.241*** |
Hausman |
6.776(0.9133) |
注:*、**、***分别表示在 10%、5%、1%水平下显著。括号内为 t 值。 |
表5 信贷结构与环境质量的SDM模型的检验及估计
模型三 |
模型四 |
空间固定效应LR检验 |
58.071*** |
59.444*** |
时间固定效应LR检验 |
176.887*** |
186.506*** |
Wald test spacial lag |
21.590*** |
20.777*** |
Wald test spacial error |
24.456*** |
24.636*** |
LR spacial lag |
20.947*** |
20.066*** |
LR spacial error |
27.919*** |
27.794*** |
Hausman |
5.321(0.9674) |
12.160(0.5145) |
直接效应 |
间接效应 |
直接效应 |
间接效应 |
CC(DC) |
-0.081** |
0.011 |
-0.078*** |
-0.022 |
lnpeople |
-0.311*** |
0.019 |
-0.325*** |
-0.003 |
lny02 |
0.295*** |
0.348** |
0.295*** |
0.364 |
lnpgdp |
-0.510*** |
-0.778*** |
-0.501*** |
-0.750 |
target |
-0.005 |
0.036 |
-0.008 |
0.027 |
fdi |
-0.067 |
0.147 |
-0.067 |
0.128 |
注:*、**、***分别表示在 10%、5%、1%水平下显著。括号内为 t 值。
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Green development requires the coordination of economy and environment. This paper selects panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2004 to 2016, and uses spatial Doberman model to test the direct and indirect impact of green credit development on environmental quality and the impact of credit structure adjustment on environmental quality under the effect of green credit policy. The results show that: the total amount of credit has a negative effect on environmental quality, but the green credit has a positive effect on environmental quality; the proportion of "two high" enterprises' credit is still high, and the implementation of green credit policy can adjust the credit structure of banks, so as to alleviate the negative effect of bank credit on environmental quality; the main impact of green credit policy is the local area, space overflow The effect is not significant, the cooperation among regions is not enough; there is a significant spatial spillover effect in environmental quality, and the improvement of environmental quality level in a province can play a positive role in the environmental quality of neighboring provinces.